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My blog is a space that lets me explore a variety of topics, whether it be how I utilize technology or how I understand myself and the world around me. It's still a space I need to grow and develop, but there are already a few pieces within it that really stick to mind.

  • “How Does One Write” is worth mentioning right from the start, as it summarizes the mental burdens that often keep me from writing more.
  • “Computation Induced Exhaustion” is an extended version of an essay I had written for an Earth Day zine back in 2022, covering material that I either had to cut out or learned of after publishing.

Out of Order

| Perspective

You don't need to have a debut; you just need to release something

I'd Rather Go To The Moon

| Perspective

Thinking back about neglected projects and self-criticism.

The Absolute Basics of Web Development - Overview

| Web-Design Programming Tutorial

People seem to be more interested in building for the web these days. Here's how you get started with that.

My Hobbies Are My Interests

| Perspective

A comment about my site's purpose got me thinking about how my active interests formed.

Getting ISO Time with Python Datetime

| Programming Python

Garnished with a side of Dateutil and Pyperclip

How Does One Write?

| Perspective Composing

Writing a blogpost is not as easy as writing what you're interested in; at least to me.

Sorting the Library

| Organization Technology

Continuing my digital organization, I tackle how my bookmarks are organized.

Cleaning the Mailboxes

| Organization Technology

I've been working on improving my digital organization as of late, something which I've felt has been lacking for quite some time.

Computation Induced Exhaustion: The Impact of Computers

| Technology Academic-Writing

Despite how important computers are, they're a bit of a problem for our climate.

Taking Another Angle on the Sn0wy-Verse

| Creative-Writing

Rethinking how the Imagisphere is referred to in Sn0wy.


| Perspective

Today is my birthday, and with it I want to think about what's ahead.

Some Thoughts on “Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk”

| Game-Design Review

Shortened to “Milk inside a bag of milk” for all our sakes.

Facing Creative Road-Blocks

| Perspective

I find myself not working on the things I really want to. This blog-post is me pointing out the reasons why.

Ignore the JAM, Focus on the Bread: A Look at Streamlining Web Development

| Web-Design Programming

Today I'll teach you how to bake a loaf of whole wheat bread without any mention of strawberry jam.

Hello, World!

| Perspective

We all need to start from somewhere...