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Blog - Tagged “Perspective”

Out of Order

| Perspective

You don't need to have a debut; you just need to release something

I'd Rather Go To The Moon

| Perspective

Thinking back about neglected projects and self-criticism.

My Hobbies Are My Interests

| Perspective

A comment about my site's purpose got me thinking about how my active interests formed.

How Does One Write?

| Perspective Composing

Writing a blogpost is not as easy as writing what you're interested in; at least to me.


| Perspective

Today is my birthday, and with it I want to think about what's ahead.

Facing Creative Road-Blocks

| Perspective

I find myself not working on the things I really want to. This blog-post is me pointing out the reasons why.

Hello, World!

| Perspective

We all need to start from somewhere...