Library - Tagged “Sound-Design”
How Sampling, Royalties, and Lawsuits Shape The AI Music Debate
Added | Sound-Design
In a way, artificial intelligence could become just as important a tool for music as the Mellotron, or the Akai MPC60, or Pro Tools. It’s disruptive and separates creators from money, and leads to situations where reaction through the courts is the only option. But on the other hand, we’ve been trying to solve for this exact problem since the player piano. Odds are, we’ll figure it out eventually.
Analogue Warmth
Added | Sound-Design Engineering
Analogue warmth seems to be the Holy Grail in these digital days. But what is it, why does it hold such appeal, and how can you use it to enhance your recordings?
pianobook – Every piano tells a story
Added | Tools Sound-Design
A fanastic resource for finding free sample libraries of various instruments, many of which can be used in Decent Sampler.
I bought two violins on the street! + FREE violin samples (Kontakt, Ableton, SFZ) - YouTube
Added | Sound-Design
Not only did David Hilowitz shed light on a forgotten violin maker in this video, he also openly shared the violin's sound with the world.